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Welcome to St James' CE Primary School


Welcome to our school. 

St James' CE Primary School is a one-form entry school in Enfield closely linked to St James’ Church, this link enables our children to flourish and learn from Christian values which are so important to us.

Our biggest asset without a doubt are our fantastic children who are friendly, happy and keen to learn. Our vision for them and our school community was inspired by ‘Mathew 13-The Parable of the Sower’ and how this links to our children and their journey with us. We strive to ensure they have strong foundations from which to grow academically as well socially and emotionally. This allows as per our vision learning that is deeply rooted within them so they can grow and ‘…flourish as a unique and whole child of God’

Being a small school we pride ourselves in knowing our children and their families well. We meet their needs through providing an engaging curriculum, strong pastoral care and spiritual guidance.  We understand that all children are unique so we adapt our teaching and learning accordingly.  We stand out from other mainstream schools as we use the skills of experts such as our resident Play Therapist and an art therapist to support our children emotionally.  Pupils have a strong voice within the school and we have an active school council.  

If you are considering St James’ as the school for your child or children please visit the 'our school' section of our website, and call to arrange a visit.

Mrs Sheehan ( Executive Headteacher )    & Mrs Everard (Head of school) 

Our half termly values 

Every half-term we focus on one of our values and study this value in detail alongside what the bible teaches us, which also supports the children's understanding of the British Values. By doing this we help our children to 'live out' our vision and value in everything they say and do.  These values are taught through worship and within class by our class teachers, ensuring that children understand what it means, how they demonstrate it and how it creates a loving and caring school community. These values the  basis of a child growing into a positive and confident member of the school community and then into the wider world as a young person and eventually an adult.   


We decided as a school that there were two over arching values that underpin everything we do at St James and these two values are taught and focussed on throughout the year and these are: 

Kindness and Respect

Our other half-termly values are: 

Responsibility- Autumn 1

Friendship – Autumn 2

Perseverance- Spring 1

Trust – Spring 2

Courage – Summer 1

Positivity - Summer 2

This half-term value is: responsibility.  

These values permeate Collective Worship and Assemblies together with PSHE lessons, but more importantly, everyday life in school and support our school vision. They are promoted amongst all members of our school community – including governors and parents.